APPLESAUCE, 9" x 9", Watercolor. This fresh and lively apple painting was inspired by my trip to the store to get apples to make applesauce. I put them in my colander to wash in preparation for my culinary task. I could see and enjoy both the warm and cool colors in these apples, from the blushing reds through the pinks and oranges to yellow. There is something so basic about an apple and I couldn't let it go unnoticed. This painting was sold before it was ever framed but I do hope you enjoy looking at it. If you would like me to paint a picture for you, just contact me through my email. I paint in both watercolor and oil mediums. Thank you, Ellie
Thursday, December 23, 2010
APPLESAUCE, 9" x 9", Watercolor (Sold)
APPLESAUCE, 9" x 9", Watercolor. This fresh and lively apple painting was inspired by my trip to the store to get apples to make applesauce. I put them in my colander to wash in preparation for my culinary task. I could see and enjoy both the warm and cool colors in these apples, from the blushing reds through the pinks and oranges to yellow. There is something so basic about an apple and I couldn't let it go unnoticed. This painting was sold before it was ever framed but I do hope you enjoy looking at it. If you would like me to paint a picture for you, just contact me through my email. I paint in both watercolor and oil mediums. Thank you, Ellie
Monday, November 8, 2010
"Pink Cabbage Roses", 9" x 12", Watercolor (SOLD)
"Pink Cabbage Roses" is a painting I just did while my head was spinning with many emotions. I natually love roses and these in particular reminded me of some a friend sent to me recently. My children are never far from my mind but in seeing these colors, I think of Lindsey. These are some of her favorite colors and they remind me of her. I also think of breast cancer and how it effects the lives of so many women. While my mind was spinning I decided to paint these roses. I hope you gals get your annual check ups(guys too) and your mammograms. After that I hope you enjoy my painting. The cost of this "Hopeful" is $199.00 Thank you, Eleanor
Friday, October 1, 2010
"Standing in the Sunlight", 11' X 9", Watercolor (NFS, Collection of the Artist)
"Standing in the Sunlight", 11" x 9", Watercolor. I painted this from a photo I took in the springtime when I was out in my rose garden. It was a beautiful day and the sun was shining but it wasn't too hot. It seemed that the sun was giving an extra kiss to the tops of the beautiful roses. I remember a slight breeze as one could hear the leaves moving slightly in the trees. I took many photos of the roses that day as I just couldn't seem to get enough of their beauty. I hope in some small way I will be able to do them justice. I tried to keep this painting watery and light. It is AVAILABLE..and if interested just send me a note to Thanks, Ellie
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
"Daffy Daffodils", 5"x 7", Watercolor (SOLD)
"Daffy Daffodils" is a 5" x 7", Watercolor. I painted this from a photo taken in Napa, California. These Daffodils were clustered at the base of a fence at Mayacamas Vineyards. They were standing so cheerful and proud, as daffodils must do. The painting is small but so is the price. The cost of this painting is $50.00 and it will be matted ready for a frame. I love to paint flowers and often settle into pinks but sometimes I need to go the opposite way and get a splash of warm colors. I hope you like "Daffy Daffodils".and if interested, please just contact me. Thank you Ellie
Monday, September 27, 2010
"Antique Cabbage Roses", 9 x 11", Watercolor (SOLD
"Antique Cabbage Roses", 9" x 11", Watercolor. This watercolor painting was inspired by the painting I did a few months ago called, "Solvi's Roses". I generally don't paint something more than once because I would not want to lose spontaneity. I didn't feel that happening so kept painting with pleasure. Each year I look forward to the new fresh blooms in my rose garden and I am never disappointed. The price of this painting is $200 without matting or frame. I will be happy to get those for you at my cost. If you have any questions or comments please contact me at I hope you enjoyed looking at "Antique Cabbage Roses" Thank you, Ellie
Monday, September 6, 2010
"Crocus", 11" x 15", Watercolor (SOLD)
"Crocus" 11" x 15", Watercolor. I painted this in my studio from a photo taken by some very good friends who live in Gettysburg, PA. This photo in one of a series taken out in their "Cottage Gardens". They love flowers, vegetables and boat scenes and they know I do too. I occasionally paint from photos given to me because this puts a fresh new light on a subject. I normally do my own photography so this lets me see things in a different way. My friends are very special to me and I treasure their pictures too. This painting is SOLD, but there will be more. I do hope you enjoyed looking at it. Thank you, Ellie
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Zinnias in the Garden, 9" x 11", Watercolor (SOLD)
"Zinnias in the Garden", 9" x 11", Watercolor. This painting was done several summers ago from gorgeous and bright blooming zinnias in my own yard. I planted and cared for them like there was no tomorrow. Now tomorrow has come and my zinnias this year didn't measure up. This original painting has sold but I am happy I have the print to look at. I have loved zinnias since I was a little girl and my parents gave me some seeds to plant. If any of you would like to have a good quality print I would be happy to sell to you at reasonable prices(2 sizes)They are matted/ready for framing. Contact me at Thank you, Ellie
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Solvi's Roses, 11" x 9", Watercolor (SOLD)
This was a studio painting which I did from a photo. It was sent to me by a dear friend who lives in Drammen, Norway. Both Solvi and the roses are so very beautiful and I wanted to paint and name them in her honor. Of course I am a proud American but my forefather's came from Norway and I never forget that and feel a part of me is always there. I hope you like my way of trying to make watercolor flowers look watery. This was my pleasure to paint. If interested in my "Solvi's Roses". please write me at Thank you, and enjoy! Ellie Eleanor Erickson Hargrave
Sunday, July 18, 2010
"French Lace and Eden", 20" x 14-1/2, Watercolor (SOLD)
'French Lace' and "Eden" are two of my favorite Roses, having many favorites. French Lace is blooming now out in front of my picture window. A white rose with peach/cream blush nearing the center. "Eden" is a David Austin English Rose in a cup shape with green around the outer petals. The cup shape just captures me as you can see in the one focal point rose in this painting. This painting is matted in a muted soft green, framed in white Nantucket frame. The outside measurements are 28" x 23". The price was regularly $600 but I have put it down to $300 to move it out and make room for new ones. Maybe a crazy idea but $600 seemed high right now. If interested please email me at Thank you, Ellie
Sunday, July 4, 2010
"Delicious", 8" x 8", Oil on Canvas (SOLD)

"Delicious", 8"x 8*, Oil on Canvas, was such fun to paint, even though it was an after thought. I painted the "Delicious" one first and then with my leftover paints thought why not? I think I may actually like this one best and the reds are so vibrant and exciting to me. This one is for sale too and I may list it on eBay. If you would like to purchase it just send me an email. Thank you, Ellie
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Radish Up, by Eleanor Erickson Hargrave (SOLD)
Radish Up, 9" x 11", Watercolor, matted and framed. This watercolor was inspired after going to the market and buying some produce. I took the bunch of radishes out of the bag and rinsed it off carefully setting it on the counter to drain. It looked so red and inviting that I just had to paint it right then and there before putting it in the refrigerator. The one radish just stood up and is why I named it Radish Up. I took a photo of it and finished it after I tucked it in the veggie drawer. I hope you enjoy it. Please email me if you are interested in purchasing it. The frame is a greenish blue and with a soft white matting. Enjoy and thanks, Eleanor
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Cherry Blossoms, 8" x 8". Watercolor (SOLD)
"Cherry Blossoms", 8" x 8", Original Watercolor. This watercolor was painted from the heart as all of mine are. I love the Cherry Tree with the blossoms that are profuse, even if for too short of a time. So delicate and cheerful they cling to the branch until a strong wind or rain. I love what my parents told me about the cherry tree and honesty. Whether it was just my naivety or my faith of a better world, I have always tried to live that way. The painting has a watery look about it that I strive for in my watercolors, almost a stained glass effect. I decided to make note cards and the size of those are 4.25" x 5.50" with reasonable pricing. The original watercolor is also for sale with the price at $275 with custom matting. If interested in either, please contact me at Thank you very much, Ellie
Pink Tulips, 10" x 10", Watercolor (SOLD)
Pink Tulips, 10" x 10", Watercolor. (SOLD) This tulip painting is so feminine and delicate, almost looking the color of strawberry ice cream. I love tulips anyway but the color of these reminded me of my daughters. My oldest daughter loved tulips so much, and my two younger ones looked yummy in this shade of pink. My son use to call the girls "girly powders", so I won't tell you that he looked good in this color too..(but he did, or shall I say he would have). I hope you enjoyed looking at this and all the other artists paintings. I will be back soon with another so come back often. Thanks, Ellie
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sailing in Balboa Harbor, 20" x 20", Oil on Canvas (Out on Consignment)
Sailing in Balboa Harbor, 20" x 20", Oil on canvas. This painting was inspired by a fun day in Balboa Island with a very good friend of mine. We drove down on a great weather day, having lunch at Ciao's, a favorite Italian lunch spot. From there we walked to our favorite shopping haunts before taking the ferry to the mainland and home. While on the ferry I snapped some great photo shots for future paintings. I could feel my hair gently blowing from the strength of the ferry engines below us. What a perfect day this was. The painting price is $450 and if you have any questions or comments please email me at Thank you. Ellie
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Gerbera Daisies, 24" x 24", Oil on gallery canvas (Available)
Gerbera Daisies. 24" x 24", Oil on gallery canvas. This was an artistic stretch for me and I found it a most rewarding studio painting. The composition has a cosmopolitan feel to it because of the dimension and positioning of the daisies. Although gallery canvas is used for traditional settings as well, this only adds to the versatility when thinking contemporary. Right now I have it hanging and drying over the fireplace in my Cape Cod style home and it fits in very well. The colors are inviting and warm, against the cool/warm push-pull effect of the foliage. The price is $1,400. If interested or have questions about it, please contact me at Thank you and please come back often, Eleanor (Ellie)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Chloe, 11" x 14", Watercolor (Commission, SOLD)
Chloe, 11" x 14", Watercolor. This was a most enjoyable commission piece of art to paint. I was given a photo of Chloe, taken while the family was on vacation in Hawaii. Apparently Chloe was playing in a children's play area and ran over to the fence to view her parents. It was at this time that the photo was taken. In my artistic whimsy I didn't hide the fact that it reminded me of the "Kilroy Was Here", pose. I also decided to enhance the feel of the tropics with the soft pastel flowers. I love to paint portraits, especially those of children. Please let me know if you have someone special that you'd like me to paint in a watercolor keepsake. My contact email is Thank you. Eleanor
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Zinnias in Pewter Pitcher, 14" x 10", Watercolor (SOLD)
Zinnias in Pewter Pitcher, 14" x 10", Watercolor. Custom matting, framed in weathered gray wood. The day I painted this watercolor I walked to the very back of my yard to fetch a bunch of zinnias. I love those vibrant rich colors, but no more so that the pale blush underside of the blooms. I like a push/pull effect to lend excitement in a painting. If it were all simply bright it would lose something in my opinion. The pewter pitcher is a beautiful piece which I have long enjoyed. I hope you enjoy it for your own reasons too. The price is $400 and if you are interested in purchasing it, please contact me at Thank you, Eleanor
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Freesias by the Fence, 9" x 12", Watercolor (SOLD)
Freesias by the Fence, 9" x 12", Watercolor. On a trip down the coast with a friend, we happened into a quaint well stocked nursery. I took many photos, one being the inspiration for this painting. It was a clear beautiful day, warm but not hot. Is it just in my mind that flowers look better by the coast? Some people have made comments that freesias don't come in red but I can tell you that isn't so. These were just a beautiful shade of clear red. If you would like to purchase this, please contact me at The cost is $200 with free shipping. Framing available at my cost.
Please go back into Older Posts to see all the pages of current works.
Thank you, Eleanor (Ellie)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
View from the Back, 18" x 14", Oil on canvas (Sadly, it was STOLEN)
View from the Back, 18" x 14", Oil on canvas. This oil painting is very dear to my heart as it's a small view of the back of my home. On a day that I was feeling very emotional I went way out back, sitting under an umbrella with my paints and my dog Jack. I just zoned out and got involved in the painting and my music. Of the two oil paintings that I've done of this view, this may be my favorite. It is rough, textured, earthy and very impressionistic. The greenish blue in the sky is very soothing. If interested please contact me at The photo doesn't do this one justice. Enjoy, and thanks for viewing. Eleanor
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Pretty in Pink, by Eleanor Erickson Hargrave (SOLD)
Pretty in Pink, 10-1/2" x 10-1/2", Watercolor. This painting was done on a recent rainy day when I looked out and saw some Geraniums peeking in my window. I went out and picked a few for this blue pitcher with the intent to paint them. As the rain was falling, I was cozy and warm inside,music on, having fun painting these pretty pink Geraniums. I hope you enjoy them and if interested, the cost is $100/free shipping, unframed. You may contact me at Thank you, Ellie
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Persson's Nursery, 10" x 12", Watercolor (Sold)
Persson's Nursery, 10" x 12", Watercolor. This painting was from a photo I took at Persson's Nursery, Pasadena, CA. I went there to admire and take photos of the beautiful flowers. The long tables were covered with bursts of cascading flowers. The colors were just amazing and the excitement of both the warm and cool colors was breathtaking. On this day I tried to paint loose, which isn't as easy as it looks. My favorite season in the year is spring, and it's no doubt because of the profusion of color, and new growth. This painting is $200,/free shipping, with a custom mat. If interested, please contact me at Feel free to view all my current paintings. Thank you, Eleanor
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Cactus Flowers, 15" x 20", Watercolor (Available) Showing at Pepe's Restaurant, Montrose
Cactus Flowers, 15" x 20", Watercolor (matted and framed in white, Nantucket Style)
This painting was done from a photo taken by a good friend I've known since highschool. I love the vibrant colors and it was loads of fun to paint. This large painting makes quite a colorful statement and would add to most any decor. There is something about these flowers that give the viewer a soft watery illusion, which is something I strive for. This illusion is heightened under the glass which isn't shown here. If you are interested in this painting, please contact me at I hope you enjoy. Thanks, Eleanor
Monday, February 1, 2010
Rain over the San Gabriels, 10" x 10", Watercolor (SOLD)
Rain over the San Gabriels, 10" x 10", Watercolor. This painting was inspired by a lifetime of enjoying the view of these mountains which are close to my home. My camera is never very far from my reach, and on this day I was compelled to take a photo of the rain clouds. Shortly after this photo was taken the rains began, pouring for days. My father use to hike in those mountains and my son explored parts of them. This day was unique because it was both cloudy and bright. The price of this painting is $200/free shipping. If interested please contact me at I hope you enjoy and thank you for viewing.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Daylilies, 9" x 11", Watercolor (SOLD)
Daylilies, 9" x 11", Watercolor. I just completed this painting from a photo I took about a year ago in the back yard of some friends. They have since moved from there so I find this painting sentimental because now it is just a memory. When I see something that I think would be a good painting, I take a photo... just in case. It was nice to see such sunny yellow daylilies on this rainy day. Please enjoy! The price is $300, shipping included. If interested, please contact me. Thank you, Eleanor( Ellie)
9" x 11",
by Eleanor Erickson Hargrave,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
View from the Rear, 18" x 24", Oil on canvas (Available)
View from the Rear, 18" x 24", Oil on canvas. This painting was done from the rear of a home in Pasadena, California. It is where a family lived and the children played. On a tree lined, dead end street. Flowers and fruit trees, roses and a swing. This is where memories were made and where people called it home. This painting is very peaceful with wonderful greens, blues and other hues. You can see the roses in the foreground. The price $475, with 30% discount taken off in January. Shipping included, in the USA. Please contact the artist for questions or comments at Thank you, Eleanor
Monday, January 4, 2010
Zinnias on Kitchen Table, 20" x 24", Oil (Available) Showing at Pepe's Restaurant, Montrose)
Zinnias on Kitchen Table, 20" x 24", Oil on canvas. This impressionistic oil painting was created combining both vibrant and earth tones, using both brush and palette knife. I love the combination because it leaves the viewer feeling excitement as well as comfort. If you enlarge this you can see the bold brush strokes as well as an old world technique. Of course all of this is up to the viewer, but is what I see. This painting is beautifully framed and ready to hang in your home. If interested please contact me at The price is $500. (shipping included). Please contact me with any questions or comments. Thanks, Eleanor (30% discount offered through January)
Oil on Canvas,
Zinnias on Kitchen Table
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